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Text File | 1994-04-11 | 6.3 KB | 344 lines | [TEXT/Imag] |
- procedure AdvanceRoi;
- begin
- hloc:=hloc+RoiWidth;
- if (hloc+RoiWidth div 2)>PicWidth then begin
- hloc:=0;
- vloc:=vloc+RoiHeight;
- end;
- if (hloc+RoiWidth)>PicWidth then hloc:=PicWidth-RoiWidth;
- if (vloc+RoiHeight)>PicHeight then vloc:=PicHeight-RoiHeight;
- MakeRoi(hloc,vloc,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- end;
- procedure MakeBlocks(n:integer);
- var
- i,hloc,vloc,PicWidth,PicHeight:integer;
- RoiWidth,RoiHeight:integer;
- scale:real;
- begin
- GetPicSize(PicWidth,PicHeight);
- scale:=1/n;
- SelectAll;
- SetScaling('Nearest Neighbor; Same Window');
- ScaleAndRotate(scale,scale,0);
- RestoreRoi;
- GetRoi(hloc,vloc,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- copy;
- SelectAll;
- Clear;
- hloc:=0;
- vloc:=0;
- MakeRoi(hloc,vloc,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- for i:=1 to n*n do begin
- Paste;
- AdvanceRoi;
- end;
- KillRoi;
- end;
- procedure DoTextDemo;
- begin
- RevertToSaved;
- MoveTo(100,20);
- SetForegroundColor(255);
- SetBackgroundColor(0);
- SetFont('Geneva');
- SetFontSize(24);
- SetText('No background, Bold, Center');
- Writeln('Text');
- SetText('With background');
- Writeln('With Background');
- SetText('Bold');
- Writeln('Bold');
- SetText('Underlined');
- Writeln('Underlined');
- SetText('Italic');
- Writeln('Italics');
- SetText('Outline');
- Writeln('Outlined');
- SetText('Shadow');
- Writeln('Shadowed');
- SetText('Plain');
- SetFontSize(9);
- MoveTo(100,240);
- Writeln('Very small');
- wait(.5);
- SetFontSize(24);
- MoveTo(100,240);
- Writeln('Small');
- wait(.5);
- SetFontSize(48);
- MoveTo(100,240);
- SetText('Bold');
- Writeln('MEDIAN');
- wait(.5);
- SetFontSize(96);
- MoveTo(100,240);
- Writeln('LARGE');
- wait(1);
- end;
- procedure DrawGrayLevelScale(nBoxes:integer);
- var
- PicWidth, PicHeight,i,GrayLevel,hloc,vloc,width,height,vdelta:integer;
- begin
- GetPicSize(PicWidth,PicHeight);
- SetFont('Helvetica');
- SetFontSize(9);
- SetText('Bold; Center; with background');
- SetBackgroundColor(0);
- width:=0.9*PicHeight/nBoxes;
- height:=width;
- hloc:=0.05*PicHeight;
- vloc:=hloc;
- vdelta:=height-1;
- GrayLevel:=0;
- for i:=1 to nBoxes do begin
- MakeRoi(hloc,vloc,width,height);
- SetForeground(GrayLevel);
- Fill;
- SetForeground(255);
- DrawBoundary;
- MoveTo(hloc+width/2,vloc+height/2);
- Writeln(GrayLevel);
- GrayLevel:=GrayLevel+trunc(256/nBoxes);
- vloc:=vloc+vdelta;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawColorScale;
- var
- top,left,width,height,nLabels,i,tvloc:integer;
- begin
- nLabels:=16;
- SetFontSize(12);
- SetFont('Helvetica');
- SetText('Right Justified');
- DrawScale;
- GetRoi(left,top,width,height);
- KillRoi;
- SetForeground(255); {black}
- SetBackground(0); {255}
- vloc:=top;
- for i:=1 to nLabels do begin
- MoveTo(left+width+25,vloc+3);
- tvloc:=vloc;
- if tvloc>(top+height-1) then tvloc:=Top+height-1;
- Writeln(GetPixel(left,tvloc));
- vloc:=vloc+round(height/(nLabels-1));
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoColorScaleDemo;
- var
- PicWidth,PicHeight,hloc,vloc,ScaleWidth,ScaleHeight:integer;
- begin
- GetPicSize(PicWidth,PicHeight);
- width:=0.1*PicWidth;
- if width>40 then width:=40;
- height:=0.9*PicHeight;
- hloc:=0.05*PicHeight;
- vloc:=hloc;
- SetPalette('Spectrum');
- MakeRoi(hloc,vloc,width,height);
- DrawColorScale;
- wait(2);
- SetPalette('Grayscale');
- end;
- procedure DemoFilters;
- var
- hloc,vloc,RoiWidth,RoiHeight,PicWidth,PicHeight:integer;
- begin
- MakeBlocks(3);
- RestoreRoi;
- GetRoi(hloc,vloc,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- GetPicSize(PicWidth,PicHeight);
- hloc:=0; vloc:=0;
- AdvanceRoi;
- SetOption; Sharpen;
- AdvanceRoi;
- Shadow;
- AdvanceRoi;
- TraceEdges;
- AdvanceRoi;
- SetOption; Smooth;
- TraceEdges;
- Skeletonize;
- AdvanceRoi;
- Dither;
- AdvanceRoi;
- Invert;
- AdvanceRoi;
- FlipVertical;
- AdvanceRoi;
- FlipHorizontal;
- end;
- procedure MakeGrayLevelGrid;
- var
- i,hloc,vloc,PicWidth,PicHeight:integer;
- RoiWidth,RoiHeight,GrayLevel,increment:integer;
- scale:real;
- begin
- n:=5;
- GetPicSize(PicWidth,PicHeight);
- hloc:=0;
- vloc:=0;
- RoiWidth:=PicWidth div n;
- RoiHeight:=PicHeight div n;
- MakeRoi(hloc,vloc,RoiWidth,RoiHeight);
- GrayLevel:=255;
- increment:=round(256/(n*n));
- SetLineWidth(1);
- for i:=1 to n*n do begin
- SetForeground(GrayLevel);
- fill;
- SetForeground(0);
- DrawBoundary;
- GrayLevel:=GrayLevel-increment;
- if GrayLevel<0 then GrayLevel:=0;
- AdvanceRoi;
- end;
- KillRoi;
- end;
- macro 'Demo Macro [D]'
- {
- This macro demonstrate many of the features available in Image's macro
- language. It assumes the Image at least as large as`256x256 has been opened.
- }
- var
- i:integer;
- width,height,n,W,H:integer;
- scale:real;
- NoImage:boolean;
- StartTicks,time:real;
- begin
- StartTicks:=TickCount;
- NoImage:=nPics<>1;
- if not NoImage then GetPicSize(width,height);
- if NoImage or (width<256) or (height<256) then begin
- PutMessage('This macro needs a single image at least 256 pixels wide and 256 pixels high to operate on.');
- Exit;
- end;
- SaveState;
- DemoFilters;
- wait(2);
- RevertToSaved;
- MakeGrayLevelGrid;
- wait(1);
- RevertToSaved;
- DrawGrayLevelScale(12);
- wait(1);
- RevertToSaved;
- DoColorScaleDemo;
- DoTextDemo;
- RevertToSaved;
- SetScaling('Nearest Neighbor; Same Window');
- for i:= 1 to 4 do begin
- ScaleAndRotate(1.5,1.5,0);
- wait(.5);
- end;
- RevertToSaved;
- for i:=1 to 6 do begin
- ScaleAndRotate(0.6,0.6,0);
- wait(.5);
- RestoreRoi;
- end;
- RevertToSaved;
- wait(.5);
- ScaleAndRotate(.333,1,0);
- wait(1);
- Undo;
- ScaleAndRotate(1,.333,0);
- wait(1);
- Undo;
- FlipVertical;
- wait(.5);
- Undo;
- FlipHorizontal;
- wait(.5);
- Undo;
- RotateRight(true);
- RotateLeft(true);
- Shadow;
- Wait(1);
- Undo;
- Duplicate('Temp');
- Smooth;
- for i:=1 to 3 do begin SetOption; Sharpen end;
- wait(.5);
- Dispose;
- SelectPic(1);
- Dither;
- wait(.5);
- Undo;
- AddConstant(100);
- Wait(1);
- Undo;
- AddConstant(-100);
- Wait(1);
- EnhanceContrast;
- Wait(.5);
- Undo;
- EqualizeHistogram;
- Wait(.5);
- ResetGraymap;
- ShowHistogram;
- Smooth;
- TraceEdges;
- wait(.5);
- Erode;
- Dilate;
- Outline;
- Undo;
- Skeletonize;
- Wait(1);
- for i:= 1 to 12 do TraceEdges;
- RestoreState;
- time:=(TickCount-StartTicks)/60;
- ShowMessage('time=',time:1:2,' seconds');
- end;
- macro 'Make Wallpaper… [M]'
- var
- width,height,n:integer;
- begin
- GetPicSize(width,height);
- if (width=0) then begin
- PutMessage('This macro needs an image to operate on.');
- Exit;
- end;
- n:=trunc(GetNumber('Replication factor:',8));
- SaveState;
- MakeBlocks(n);
- RestoreState;
- end;